10 thuật ngữ Teacher 1

Unit 1 and 2 US History Review

Why did our Founding Fathers believe that Declaring Independence was ok to do and by any means necessary?
Nhấp vào để lật
After many attempts to negotiate separation and the actions of the King to prevent it, the only action was war.
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Who encouraged others to spread their wealth by creating things for the poor?
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Andrew Carnegie
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Why did so many people what to leave everything behind and move to America?
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The chance to have many new freedoms and a new life.
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What caused Native Americans think that they could integrate and assimilate into the US as Citizens?
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Due to Manifest destiny and many immigrants entering into the US
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What are the 3 branches and what do they do?
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Executive (Enforce laws), Legislative (make Laws), and Judicial (Judge laws).
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What made it difficult for governments to serve the people in the late 1800s?
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The extreme increase of people moving to the US which increased the need for machine politics.
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What impact did the Homestead Act have on the population in the US?
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Families started to quickly move and expand all over the US.
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Where did the term "Indian giver" come from?
Nhấp vào để lật
The gifting and taking back of land to give it new American settlers.
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What impact did Alexis de Tocqueville have on the US?
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He promoted freedom, democracy, and equality
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What was the impact of Boss Tweed and what did he do?
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He was elected to Congress for New York and was head of the Tammany Hall Political Machine. He had major influence on Political outcomes.
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Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (10)

Thuật ngữ

After many attempts to negotiate separation and the actions of the King to prevent it, the only action was war.

Định nghĩa

Why did our Founding Fathers believe that Declaring Independence was ok to do and by any means necessary?

Thuật ngữ

Andrew Carnegie

Định nghĩa

Who encouraged others to spread their wealth by creating things for the poor?

Thuật ngữ

The chance to have many new freedoms and a new life.

Định nghĩa

Why did so many people what to leave everything behind and move to America?

Thuật ngữ

Due to Manifest destiny and many immigrants entering into the US

Định nghĩa

What caused Native Americans think that they could integrate and assimilate into the US as Citizens?

Thuật ngữ

Executive (Enforce laws), Legislative (make Laws), and Judicial (Judge laws).

Định nghĩa

What are the 3 branches and what do they do?

Thuật ngữ

The extreme increase of people moving to the US which increased the need for machine politics.

Định nghĩa

What made it difficult for governments to serve the people in the late 1800s?

Thuật ngữ

Families started to quickly move and expand all over the US.

Định nghĩa

What impact did the Homestead Act have on the population in the US?

Thuật ngữ

The gifting and taking back of land to give it new American settlers.

Định nghĩa

Where did the term "Indian giver" come from?

Thuật ngữ

He promoted freedom, democracy, and equality

Định nghĩa

What impact did Alexis de Tocqueville have on the US?

Thuật ngữ

He was elected to Congress for New York and was head of the Tammany Hall Political Machine. He had major influence on Political outcomes.

Định nghĩa

What was the impact of Boss Tweed and what did he do?